New Problems Armboth, Thirlmere

Neil Thompson has cleaned up a collection of short, but decent lines on the a boulder located in close proximity to Armboth car park, Thirlmere.

Park at Armboth car park (54.545198, -3.075399) and from here take the public footpath uphill for a couple of hundred metres. Close to the path are some blocks and the largest of those offers some better than expected problems- short but good quality rock.

Uphill face has two aretes:

  • Countess (6A) SDS The RH arete looking downhill.
  • Ossalinsky (6Bish) SDS The LH arete on its right hand side with holds on the face. The fingery pull on is harder than it looks.

Downhill face has an alcove to the right.

  • Indigo sheep (6A+) SDS The left arete is hard to start. Finish up the slightly mossy arete.
  •  Armboth slapper (7A) SDS Same sit start as the arete but swing right into slopey holds above the alcove then up the hanging arete.
  • In the Pines (5+) Gain the slab on the downhill side from standing. A sit start bumps up the grade to 6B.